anti-discrimination advice

Anti-discrimination counseling offers support for people who have experienced discrimination. This service creates a safe space to process experiences of discrimination and supports those affected in enforcing their right to equal treatment and respect. It covers all types of discrimination, including racism, age, disability, gender and more.

The increasing demand for advice

Anti-discrimination advice centers across the country report a constant increase in inquiries. Discrimination not only affects the individual's quality of life, but also social participation and violates the basic principle of equal treatment.

The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)

legal framework

The AGG, which came into force on 18 August 2006, provides a legal framework to protect against discrimination in various areas of life, including work, education and access to goods and services. It prohibits discrimination based on various characteristics and implements European directives on equal treatment. Find out more more about the AGGYou can find the ADS Bund discrimination check here.

support from counseling centers

On the advice centres page, those seeking advice can find local services. These centres are crucial in helping those affected to reflect on their experiences and take action against discrimination. They offer not only emotional and psychological support, but also legal advice and political help.

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